

迄今为止,娱乐大发澳门赌博平台通过在每个生产基地和研究设施建立基于ISO 14001的环境管理系统来促进环境活动. Although we will shift the long-term target for these activities from 2030 to 2050, the overall direction will remain the same as we deploy our initiatives for solutions to environmental issues.
In order to implement the solutions to environmental issues for which we aim as our long-term goal, we recognize the importance of steadily achieving medium-term milestones 和 milestones for each fiscal year. By identifying the effect of these efforts on legal compliance 和 the environment on a regular basis, we strive to reduce our impact on all manner of environmental issues. 同时, we will investigate actions to take prior to 和 after disasters 和 accidents, 例如, 并根据结果定期进行培训和演习,以便在发生紧急情况时,十大赌博娱乐平台能够最大程度地减轻此类事件对环境的影响. We also feel we must bring the entire supply chain into our sights as we undertake initiatives, 并因此检讨了集团的可持续采购指引和系统,以加强供应链管理. 通过与供应商接触和合作, we will accelerate the pace of solutions to environmental issues.


自2020财年以来,娱乐大发澳门赌博平台的环境方面一直由可持续发展委员会管理和促进. 可持续发展委员会是讨论旨在改善社会和娱乐大发澳门赌博平台可持续发展的政策和战略的论坛.
As a series of committees under the Sustainability Committee, we established subcommittees for each issue defined under materiality by the Group, 和 established the 环境al Subcommittee to address environmental issues.
与可持续发展有关的主要举措, 包括环境, 以及活动政策和相关问题, 经可持续发展委员会审议后,向董事会报告并由董事会批准, 和 advanced under a framework that is reflected within management. 除了, 就公司总部和各分部公司的每个问题召开环境经理会议,以确定和实施与环境有关的详细活动计划.
2022财年, the 环境al Subcommittee met twice, in November 和 March. 在这些会议上, the subcommittee confirmed progress for the final fiscal year of the current 环境al Medium-term Plan, 并审议了将于下一财政年度开始实施的三年环境中期计划(2023-2025财政年度)的方向, 和 discussed initiatives 和 promotion measures for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, 处理水相关风险问题, 减少产生的废物量, 还有其他问题. 除了, 需要紧急扩大措施的情况,根据需要在管理会议(每月召开一次,由业务战略部门负责人兼ESG管理部门负责人主持)上进行审议,并向董事会报告.
比如气候变化问题, 为响应2021财年实现的里程碑, namely the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions ahead of schedule, we deliberated 和 made a decision at the management meeting on revising the target from the original 2°C to 1.5°C in July, 和 on reviewing the roadmap for greenhouse gas emissions reduction. 结果是, 十大赌博娱乐平台很早就修改了目标, 和 began investigating measures toward accelerating initiatives.

  • 11-08



当开始或继续商业交易时, 十大赌博娱乐平台要求供应商建立符合ISO 14001标准的环境管理体系,减少对环境的影响. 关于气候变化问题, 特别是, we are confirming progress in setting 和 tackling reduction targets.
In terms of the raw materials used by SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group, we assess the volume consumed along with the environmental impact as an approach to material balance. 在气候变化问题上, we recognize that raw materials account for the largest portion of Scope 3 emissions, 和, 特别是, 因此,在减少温室气体排放方面,十大赌博娱乐平台是否加强了与原材料供应商的合作.
从原材料的角度来看, 十大赌博娱乐平台要求10多家制造公司提供原材料生产过程中的温室气体排放数据, 同时,促进在未来范围3下减少温室气体排放的努力,以减少四种主要树脂的大量购买和高水平的温室气体排放. 这些排放量代表了.2% of the emission calculated using the IDEA database of GHG emissions derived from the raw materials used.
While the amount of data obtained directly from suppliers is not large, 数据库的使用使得掌握产品整个生命周期的温室气体排放量成为可能, 即使只是在平均水平上, 和 to consider countermeasures after determining the emissions to be reduced. Through these efforts, we are also promoting reduction activities across the supply chain.
除了, 十大赌博娱乐平台正在与供应商核实,并开始调查由生物质制成的低碳材料的替代品,以及供应可回收材料的潜力.
Given that timber is considered to have a significant impact on the issue of biodiversity, we will formulate specific procurement guidelines* for timber, 并将通过对供应商的调查来评估风险, 以及实施DD以降低风险, in an effort to procure 100% of timber from sustainable forests.

*详情请参见 木材采购政策.


娱乐大发澳门赌博平台鼓励其办事处开展符合其环境管理体系(EMS)的环保活动。. 在十大赌博娱乐平台遍布日本的办事处, we refer to the EMS for guidance on environmental activities, such as turning off lights during lunch breaks 和 other steps to conserve energy 和 reducing the use of paper.

Setting Self-management 目标 That Are Stricter than 环境al Laws 和 Regulations

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has set its own environmental management targets. This includes reducing emissions into the atmosphere 和 water environments, 哪些比法律规定更严格. 每个业务站点都密切遵循这些内部目标. 十大赌博娱乐平台的目标是通过内部环境审计,发现潜在的环境风险,防止环境事故发生.
除了, 十大赌博娱乐平台正在开展全面的活动,分享有关新的法律和监管趋势以及集团内其他公司事件的信息.
2022财年, 没有关于违反环境法律或条例的报告,包括与处置废物有关的违法行为, 污水排放, 和污染. There were also no reports on incidences of administrative guidance.


十大赌博娱乐平台的海外业务站点, we are also exp和ing EMS implementation with similar policies to Japan. 十大赌博娱乐平台正在建立获取环境影响数据的系统,并根据这些数据采取措施减少对环境的影响.
截至2023年3月, 48 business sites in Japan 和 36 business sites overseas had acquired ISO 14001 or other similar certifications. 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台的生产基地和研究所获得这些认证的比例为88%.
The Group aims to obtain ISO certification at all production sites.

Business Sites That Have Received Third-party Certification for Their 环境 Management 系统s

指示器 计算方法
ems认证的营业场所数量 Number of business sites that have received external EMS certification 外部EMS认证:ISO 14001, Eco-Action 21等.
娱乐大发澳门赌博平台所有生产基地和研究设施获得外部环境管理体系认证的比例 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台内部所有通过EMS认证的营业场所的比例=所有通过外部EMS认证的生产场所和研究设施的数量/ 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台内部所有生产场所和研究设施的数量


娱乐大发澳门赌博平台进行环境审计的目的是遵守法律,防止事故发生. 在执行这些审计后, 十大赌博娱乐平台验证法则, 条例, 风险地图, 和其他材料提前准备, 并根据持续的法律合规和每个业务场所的业务活动,优先考虑降低环境风险和预防事故. Along with requiring all business sites to conduct self-audits 和 report the results of such, headquarters performs audits of production sites 和 research facilities once every three years. 2022财年, we audited 18 business sites in Japan 和 12 business sites overseas.
We did not discover any violations coinciding with fines or penalties.

Enhancing the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues through Education

In order to realize our environmental problem-related goals, we are investigating their solutions 和 developing human resources that can promote 和 execute measures. 为此目的, 十大赌博娱乐平台特别重视环境教育,将其作为教育的一部分,旨在提高为解决社会问题作出贡献的能力.
十大赌博娱乐平台提供教育和培训,鼓励员工主动了解和解决社会问题, 同时把自己的想法付诸实践, 这取决于他们的职责和工作环境.

注:详情请参阅 在这里看到的


  • 注意:
    Regarding the scope of aggregation for environmental performance data, 所有SEKISUI化学(合并)营业场所(生产销售额的100%)都必须提交环境报告.